Medical Aid

Life-threatening ailments can be really alarming when the patient/family is financially poor. K Chittilappilly Foundation not only empathises with them, but also extends a generous helping hand to them by providing substantial medical assistance. Assistance is disbursed to deserving applicants through a standardized system. 91% of the amounts spent on charity by the Ffoundation has been for providing medical assistance to individuals.

To provide financial support to the poor and the needy suffering from major diseases, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion, mainly within the state of Kerala and selectively in other parts of the country. Economically backward individuals suffering from cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, nephrological ailments, liver diseases, tuberculosis, neurological diseases, accidents causing serious injuries or any life threatening / debilitating disease, requiring hospitalisation/treatment over long duration and/or incurring heavy expenditure towards the same are considered under this scheme for grant of financial assistance. Patients belonging to economically backward category desirous of availing financial assistance from K Chittilappilly Foundation for the treatment at various hospitals in the Country have to Apply Online in the prescribed format available at the website of K Chittilappilly foundation, along with all supporting documents. The applications received by KCF will be scrutinized on a day-to-day basis, against eligibility criteria fixed and those meeting the requirements will be processed for grant of financial assistance.

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The financial support is disbursed to eligible applicants by cheque payment, either to the patient or to the Hospital where treatment is availed. The quantum of financial support is based on the merit of each case and as per the policy and procedure outlined in the scheme. The Chairman KCF will be the final authority in all matters related to sanction of financial assistance.

The scheme is intended to provide only a helping hand to the patient in distress and not to cover the entire treatment expenses of any patient. The amount of financial assistance sanctioned may not be therefore based on the actual treatment expenses incurred as per bills submitted along with the application. The quantum of assistance will be based on the broad norms approved from time to time by the Management. Depending on the actual expenses incurred for cost of medicines, hospitalization, the financial background of the family, support received from other agencies etc., there will be variations in the amount sanctioned for the same type of illness. Age of the patient, illness of other members in the family, persons in the category of Widows/Separated/Differently abled etc are also factors that have a bearing on the amount sanctioned. The assessment regarding the background of the patient will be made based on the documents provided and also the information collected from various sources, including references. The assessing and/or reviewing officers may contact the patient or near relatives of the patient to gather more information, wherever needed.

KCF Activities